Glucose Analysis
اعراض مرض السكر هى جفاف فى الحلق باستمرار
وزيادة معدل التبول عن الطبيعى مع الم بالارجل وصداع مستمر.
Procedure :
نضع كاشف السكر فى انبوبتين اختبار بكل منهم
واحد مللى
1. Put 1 ml of the glucose reagent in each of two small
test tubes
2. Withdraw 10? of serum by micropipette and put them in
one of the two tubes and sign it as test tube . ثم نسحب 10 ميكرون سيرم ونضعهم فى احدى الانبوبتين ونعلمها
3. Withdraw 10? of glucose standard and put them in the
other tube and sign it as standard tube . ثم نسحب 10 ميكرون ستاندرد ونضعهم فى الاخرى ونعلمها
4. Leave the two tubes in water bath for 10 minutes or in
room temperature for 20 minutes
. نتركهم لمدة 5 دقائق فى حمام دافىء او فى حرارة الغرفة 10 دقائق
5. Use the wave length 500 nm for measuring . نقيس عند طول موجى 500
6. Put the standard and record the reading then put the
tested serum and record the reading .
Calculations :
[The reading of test / The reading of standard ] * conc. of glucose standard .
(usually 100mg/dl)
Normal values :
(70 -115 mg/dl) fast blood sugar (fasting 8 hrs) .
(up to 125 mg/dl) random blood
(80 – 140 mg/dl) postprandial
blood sugar (2 hrs after meal)
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